Add Language Filter to your server!

Language Filter is a simple bot that will filter any words from within your channel.

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Language Filter

We Monitor chat, so you dont have to!

Language Filter is a simple bot that will filter any words from within your channel. Every server has its own dictionary that admins can add or remove words to stopping users from swearing or using inappropriate words. When the bot detects a blacklisted word it will delete the offending message and repost the entire contents with the words filtered out with '****' instead of deleting the entire message the user has typed out. All new servers will have a dictionary created with pre defined words  of around 300. This includes bad language and inappropriate content. If a channel is set for logging, the bot will post the original message to that channel to be reviewed. Your in control of your dictionary

Monitor Chat

Stop swearing and unapproved content from being used within your channels by filtering them out and censoring messages



You are in control of your servers dictionary! Dont like a word just add it, its that simple. Each server has its own seperate database of words so yours will never be affected



Language Bot can log messages that are sent within your channels to a specific channel where your moderators can review them


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